ChipMonk Keto Baking eBooks!

Every once in a while, we put together a special, seasonal eBook with a few of our favorite low carb, keto friendly recipes to help you indulge mindfully all through the year. Be sure to check back here regularly for our latest low carb, keto eBook creations. Ready to get baking? Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter, then click the covers below to download the keto recipes eBook of our choice. 


1. Your Guide to Crushing Keto in 2021, by Darius Pittman 

Guide to Crushing Keto in 2021

Brought to you by our partner and the King of Keto Baking, Sugarless Crystals, this guide to crushing keto in 2021 contains tons of delicious keto recipes including: 

  • Low Carb Buffalo Chicken Thighs 
  • Sheet Pan Fajitas with Steak
  • Keto Banana Bread
  • Keto Waffles, and many more!

2. ChipMonk's Favorite Fall Low Carb, Keto Recipes

Low Carb Keto Fall Themed Recipes Keto eBook

Stay true to your keto diet, even through those tempting holidays with these delicious, fall-themed low carb, keto-friendly recipes, including: 

  • Keto Pumpkin Soup
  • Low Carb Green Been Casserole 
  • Keto Pumpkin Cheesecake

3. ChipMonk Baking's Holiday Keto eBook

Christmas and Holiday Themed Low Carb Keto Recipes eBook

It's not unusual for our belts to get a little tighter around the holidays, but with these delicious and festive recipes you can stick to your health goals and still a delicious, celebratory meal. Recipes include: 

  • Keto Bread Rolls
  • Low Carb Sausage Stuffing
  • Cheese-stuffed Mushrooms
  • Keto Pecan Pie Bars

4. ChipMonk Baking's Keto Donut eBook

Low Carb, Keto Donut Recipe eBook

Made special for Valentine's Day, this delicious Keto donut recipe eBook will make sure there's love in the air (at least for some delicious low carb donuts!). Recipes include: 

  • Almond Flour Keto Donuts
  • Keto Strawberry Donuts
  • Keto Glazed Donuts
  • Keto Maple Donuts
  • Keto Chocolate Donuts
  • Keto Boston Creme Donuts 

Thanks for dropping by ChipMonk Baking and checking out all of our low carb, keto-friendly recipe eBooks! Be sure to check back for the latest keto eBooks, or subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay in the loop. Happy baking!


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