How to Make Low Carb Keto Strawberry Lemonade

Keto Strawberry Lemonade

Spring is in the air, and the ChipMonks are just realizing our recipe blog is distinctly lacking in beverage options. That's why this week we are sharing this ultra-simple recipe for a delicious, refreshing low carb keto strawberry lemonade. We've also included an alcoholic version for our 21+ fans. Feeling thirsty? Here's the recipe, brought to you by Sugarless Crystals:

*this recipe features AlluMonk, ChipMonks house blend of allulose and monk fruit, the perfect low carb, keto sweetener for beverages and baking!


Keto Strawberry Lemonade Ingredients:

  • 2 cup water
  • 1 cup fresh strawberries
  • 1/2-1 cup lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup allumonk sweetener

Keto Strawberry Lemonade Recipe: 

  1. Add one cup of water and one cup of strawberries to a blender and blend until smooth and pureed
  2. Use a strainer or cheese cloth to remove the pulp from the strawberry juice
  3. Squeeze lemons or use lemon juice. Add 1 cup of water, strained strawberry juice and lemon juice into a pot on medium low heat.
  4. Stir in sweetener and once sweetener has dissolved remove from heat. The liquid doesn't have to be extremely hot to dissolve sweetener
  5. Place in pitcher in the refrigerator or pour over ice to cool immediately. Note: taste and adjust the sourness of the lemon. I used a full cup but some may not want a sour drink so start at 1/2 cup and add to taste

Keto Strawberry Lemonade Nutritional Info

Can I Add Alcohol?

Yes, there are alcohols that are keto friendly! This recipe is great alone but for those special nights, isn't nice to have a kick to your drink? These are great alcohols that you can add that won't compromise on flavor:

    • Vodka
    • Rum
    • Tequila
    • Gin
    • Champagne

We hope you enjoy this refreshing keto beverage. For the latest low carb recipes, products, and deals be sure to subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter. And if you're ready for even more low carb drinking be sure to check out ChipMonks Favorite Summertime Cocktails, or click here to see all of ChipMonk's FREE keto recipes: 

keto cocktail recipes


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